Up until recently, all three were commemorated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on the same Friday each January, a holiday called Lee-Jackson-King Day.
This is actually somewhat more innocuous than it sounds. Virginia had already been celebrating King's birthday since 1978 (although it's worth mentioning that he had to share the marquee with New Year's Day...ringing in the new year being a pretty tough act to follow, of course). Then, Ronald Reagan declared Martin Luther King Jr. Day a national celebration in 1983. Unfortunately, this coincided with a day that Virginia had already set aside to celebrate its local heroes, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
Aw, what the hell, decided Virginia. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I reckon. Somehow, celebrating the dogged defenders of one human being's right to possess another human being while simultaneously celebrating the man who had a dream that one day this nation would rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed seemed tenable here in the state that boasts the former capitol of the Confederacy. What's most amazing to me as a damn Yankee is that this seemed okay all the way from 1983 up until 2000, when the governor of the Commonwealth, Jim Gilmore, suggested that Virginia go ahead and observe the same Federal holiday as everybody else, and celebrate their Confederate darlings on the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day instead.
Everybody wins!
And for dessert, I offer you this one: a week ago today, the public schools in the Hampton Roads area all closed, along with most of the universities (except, as luck would have it, mine) due to a winter weather advisory predicting - are you ready for this? - one to five inches of snow. The punchline for this Michigander is that this had all been accomplished before a single snowflake had been spotted on or anywhere approaching the ground in all of Hampton Roads. So, as the ticker across the bottom of the screen was scrolling through every school district for miles around, the meteorologist was saying "well, we haven't seen any snow yet, of course, bu-ut..." In fact, all of the ominous predictions would amount to no snowfall whatsoever, just a snow day.
Yep, Toto. Definitely not Kansas.
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