Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All is well.

The democratic process is alive and kicking in the USA.
The candidate who won the popular vote will become the 44th president in January.
The candidate who won sufficient votes in the electoral college will become the 44th president in January.

The candidate who appealed to Americans' better nature won the election.
The candidate who appealed to Americans' fear and cynicism lost the election.

A generation of young Americans believes again that their votes make a difference.
A generation often condemned -- or worse, dismissed -- for its apathy went out yesterday and elected a president.
An ethnicity often condemned -- or worse, dismissed -- for its apathy went out yesterday and elected a president.
In the privacy of the voting booth, with no one watching over, a generation raised prior to desegregation searched their souls -- and in them, found our next president.

A man who overcame the kind of undeniable hardships related to class, race and family familiar to many of us will soon occupy the highest political office in our country.
A man who successfully negotiates his multicultural identity will soon occupy the highest political office in our country.

A generation of African American children has a role model who will soon occupy the highest political office in our country. 
A generation of African American children will aspire not to a lucky break in professional sports or the entertainment industry, but to a college education.

America elected a man who is both well-spoken and intellectual.
America elected the man the whole world wanted us to elect.

America elected a man who believes in statesmanship regardless of one's sphere of influence, a principle upon which this nation was founded.
America elected a man who believes in the importance of community activism, a principle upon which this nation was founded.
America elected a man who believes that dissent and criticism are responsibilities of patriotic citizens, a principle upon which this nation was founded.

My children will not know a world in which a black man has never become President of the United States of America.

And Sasha and Malia Obama get a new puppy.

This just gets better and better.


Anonymous said...

Amen, sister! AMEN.

Anonymous said...

he has his work cut out for him though, he's got alot of things to mend and relationship to fix. i just wonder how much more bush can fuck things up till inauguration day.

i just wish i was at grant park that inevitable tuesday night
