And I can't seem to get better. I think I am finally getting the hang of my new gig, which is wonderful. It doesn't seem as overwhelming as it did for a while. Still, I blame this lingering cold on the relative lack of downtime I've had in recent months. I suspect my body is enforcing Operation Chill the Hell Out You Freakin' Lunatic.
Oh, and the writing has suffered. School, even three days a week of school, leaves me feeling beaten and left for dead. It's my own damn fault for wanting to be UberSpanish TeacherLady who turns herself into a one-woman circus for three hours a day. She sings, she dances, she draws silly pictures, all in an effort never to engage her students in that forbidden language, English.
But being a professor is more than showing up with corduroy patches on your elbows and smoking a pipe while shaping young minds. You also have to publish and...dunt dunt DUNNNNNNNNNNN...serve on Important Committees (insert B-movie scream here)! The days I teach, I'm good for little else. The other days, I'm gearing up for the days I teach, or serving on an Important Committee, or playing the requisite number of hours of video games to unwind from having written that book I wrote. DID I MENTION I WROTE A BOOK THIS YEAR? Yeah, I wrote a book. Don't get all excited or anything. It's nothing that more than a handful of incredibly tweed-ridden people will ever read. Still, that shit will TIRE your ass OUT.
In conclusion, last-into-this year, I:
wrote a book
graduated (sort of)
changed states
intensified my relationship
started a career.
My point, I guess, is that I'm tired. Maybe tireder than ever, and perhaps even tireder than most. Cough.
Necesitabas un semestre de vacaciones... Son muchas cosas, pero te veo más plena que nunca.
You can't be sick! I'm sick and we cannot possibly BOTH be sick!
When was your last dose of chicken soup? Let's meet in Breezewood, I'll bring the soup.
Oh, and I'm telling anyone who asks what's gotten into me that Snot blocks oxygen absorbtion in the brain. - MOM
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