So after much rending of hair and gnashing of teeth I submitted a bare-bones version of Chapter 3 last Friday. During the week that has elapsed since, the neighbs and I have been remarkably productive. We cooked and fed ourselves and used up all the groceries before they went bad (which may not sound like a big deal, but think about it), did tons of laundry, assembled a printer desk, shoveled snow, cleaned the apartment, shopped for Christmas, took out ALL the recycling, procured uniforms and worked a catering event, applied for jobs, landed an interview apiece, fixed my car, walked the dog lots, hung curtains, saw I am Legend, then came home and plasticked all the windows to secure the apartment from cold air and/or zombie attack, whichever seemed more imminent, and danced tango.
In addition, I made nine luggage tags (to great effect; I think they liked them, and if they didn't, tough, they STILL got a home-made present), burned a CD and compiled a fakebook, created some ridiculous fuzzy cat magnets and a homemade coupon, finished knitting a scarf, learned a top-secret technique I can't tell you about right now at the risk of Ruining Christmas, started quilting again, picked up my repaired sewing machine and fell in love with it all over again and took on any number of additional projects I will never finish until after Chapter 4.
Meanwhile the neighbs picked up several extra job applications, watched his niece and nephew, pow-wowed extensively with his family, packed for Spain, packed for Spain again, and left me. My tiny apartment feels like the goddamn Silverdome without him in it.
If the luggage tags survive their trip to Spain, I will take a picture of one. Other projects I will likewise photograph and post, but it's back to work for now.
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